Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Frankl's World


Briefly discuss your thoughts on Frankl's perspective of love and meaning.

Don't forget to "sign" your name.

Due date: Sunday (13th)

Prof. Terry


  1. Frankl has a very accurate thought on love and meaning. he explains that love today is selfish love and it should be selfless. in order to find meaning in our life we shouldnt be selfish and we should give of ourselves to other. i though overall that frankl's search for meaning and his explanations were a big slap in the face to the entire society. the way were living our life is not right and we need to find something deeper. that only once we start thinking about it, as frankl does do we realize what were missing and how important it is to have meaning in your life.

  2. leeora shifteh. comment above.

  3. As discussed in class today sex has different forms in a sense. Love making,sex,and F*** all are closely related to the level of love you have for that person and like a classmate mentioned the reciprocation of said love. Its enjoyed more when you are in love with the person because of the meaning behind every action portrayed.
    Devon Alexander

  4. i think frankls view on love and meaning is completly true because alot of people who do not have meaning in their lives are always the ones most likely to commit suicide. when he starts to talk about love he brings up many valid points.love today is not about selflessness but more about selfishness. he also shows that love does not have to be in the romantic sense but love can be the strong passion for something which can also be tied into meaning.the most interesting about this is frankl wrote everything that we go through today before his time-Marlon Demesier

  5. Frankl thinks that we cannot ask life what is the meaning of life? Or “what is my meaning in life?” Instead life asks us and it is in the course of our actions throughout our existence that we answer this question which I agree too. We are the ones who have to find our unique purpose and meaning. Frankl’s perspective on love is that there is selfish love and selfless love. He believes that selfless love is the salvation in human existence and we need it in order to be set free. With selfless love we will see the core of what the individual and the qualities you share with them. Selfless love gives us the capacity to see the potential in that person and bring it to life by making them aware of it. We use our parents as an example in class which I thought was a great way showing how love works. Parents or at least my parents do this each and everyday especially the making me aware of my potential part.
    ~vanessa louisne

  6. Frankl's perspective on love and meaning should be an awakening to today's society. Nowadays love is “me oriented”, selfish love. We are living a life of emptiness, with no meaning to it. We think love is all about looks and materialistic things but real love is giving yourself over by finding the qualities and inner beauty in another individual. By finding the strengths and weaknesses in another person, one can find the potential and meaning that lies within themselves. Meaning cannot be found in selfish movements, only in selfless movements. Frankl is telling us that we are missing what life is all about. Every individual must find the purpose of their existence before it's too late.
    Miriam Zada

  7. I agree with Frankls views on love. I have been in the shoes. I have fallen in love with someone out of looks and i was blind to all the dumb things they did. I thought they were a lot deeper then they really were. When you truly love someone you see deep into them their soul their core. The very being of who they are. False love doesn't allow that. It also won't get you anywhere you can be proud that you are at. If you love a person for there looks then they can love another person for the same reason. Real love your not falling in love with the look. This will last longer than something that can fade. Frankl himself survived a sickness and starvation due to his ability to have love for his wife. This transcends all else and allowed him to survive the camp. This shows how strong real love can be. All this real love gives us a meaning. We have loved and that is something. I see it like Frankl said. When on the death bed we don't talk about our regret for power or not having enough sex we regret the things we didn't say or how we treated people. More people could die happy knowing they loved and were in turned given true love. I truly believe in this. I still believe in that true love. I know it will come one day right now. I find meaning in loving my family and living for them. Frankl couldn't be any more right

    -Christian Dudley

  8. Frankl has a whole different meaning to love than people think, because what he is trying to tell us is what we think of love or who how we take it is wrong. Frankl describes it as selfish love we only do stuff that makes us happy. the love he is describing is really caring more about the people or the person in our life not only just loving them but looking deep inside understanding them helping them with anything they need. in my opinion i think Frankl is right about what he is saying and most people in this world do not know what true and deep meaning of love they just say it for the sake of themselves.
    `````Joseph Arnaout

  9. I was enlightened by Frankl, it changes what I think of love and meaning altogether. When you find a meaning in life, the "why", you can conquer any "how". A person is able to continue living no matter how hard it gets when they find a meaning for living. Maybe that is why there are so many individuals who are in depression, because they believe that they have no meaning in life. Love, what love means to people today, the today "love" is not what true love is really about. Todays "love" is only about people pleasing themselves, people take it so lightly and get married because many like the fact that their not alone and taken but result in divorce. With everything being so materialistic, people lose sight of what love really is. This enlightens me because he says this so long ago, and yet it applies so well to what the true love is, being selfless and not selfish. We have to accept the other for who they are, for ever flaw they have and loving that other person.
    Carol Cheung

  10. According to Frankl you cant ask the meaning of life because the meaning of life is living for what you like to do. An example used in class was tryin to be successful. You cant try to be successful you have to go after something you really enjoy to do and success will come in the passion of doing what you like. Frankl explains the meaning of love. Which he basically explains you have to eaccept a persons flaws and the "ugly" within them in order to see how much you really love them. Loving them even if they're at their worst. He also feels that today, alot of people lives in the "fairytale love" where they expect everything to be perfect,love is really caring for the person and making that person a part of you

  11. Jaleesa Wallace ^^^

  12. Dr. Frankl's approach to the concept of love is unique in a sense of its being subjective to the individual – one may love his work, another his family, and another something else, his point is that love towards whatever it may be, should be that type of love where outside conditions don’t apply, a kind of love from where motivation and responsibility are created, one that binds you to itself and refuses to let go. Such a love is a tool to find meaning, for if you love something that much, enough to die for it, then it’s only natural that it’s also meaningful.
    * Danny Abramov

  13. Frankl’s perspective on love and meaning is clear through his book. He warns mankind against selfish love because of its destructiveness. People who are self oriented are more likely to commit crime, or to become patients of psychiatrists. It is moving in a circle. Breaking off this circle by looking around and giving love to the other person or to the one’s life-work is exactly the matter that brings meaning in human’s life and increases love in the word.
    Aksana Gorenitsyn

  14. prisca T.

    Frankl's perspective of love and meaning are very accurate. he explains the what are the types of love such as there is a selfish love is blinded by the beauty and a true love is based on the person's personality or their true inner beauty that makes them beautiful on the outside. Frankl also talks about the meaning of life, living a life with no meanin to it, and full of emptiness.

  15. Frankl tells us how there is not one "right answer" to the meaning of life. Everyone has their own definition of what life means to them. There is no right or wrong meaning of life because you have to find it within yourself. But once you found the meaning of life you will be happy & not have an empty feeling.

    Frankl's definition of love is that love should be selfness and not selfish. Selfless love is everlasting then selfish love because selfish love just fills in that emptiness inside but then later on you dont feel as satisfied as before which makes you long for a different kind of love to make you feel better. Selfness love doesn't mean its all about you but of the person you sharing everything with which lasts longer and gives better results of love.

    -*Vivian Navarro

  16. Frankl says that love is giving yourself to another person unselfishly through selfless love. Showing your true self through expression and your personality to make the love you have for one another shine through. Its true that in this day and age we see love as seeing what we can get from the person we're with to make us fulfilled. But we need to come to realize that when we love someone we need to love all of them to see the true qualities they have to make themselves and the person they are with happy. Frankl describes meaning as what is your purpose in life, what drives you to live and progress in life. Developing meaning is not a goal to reach for, but rather life is what you make of it because life is ever changing and moving depending upon how you respond to the circumstances in your life you will find your meaning.

    Teresa Powell

  17. After i finished reading Man's Searching for Meanin; Frankl's ideology in love and meaning in life change my perspective to view my own self in this world we call earth. In today's society the value of love has decrease, nowadays, it seems as if love is just a fairy tale which we praise to wish someday we may find it. Frankl's meaning about love hasn't been exercise since the media portray sex as a fun activity rather than a meaningful opportunity with a individual. On the other hand, we are all gifted in a particular area which relates to our meaning in life; our passion towards a subject calls for our purpose in this world. Frankl perception about love and meaning in life are two subjects that are too complex to understand, even though i agree with Frankl some may have doubt but just like religion there are various answer about these two topics.
    -emmanuel avila

  18. I think Frankl was trying to give us the understanding that we should trust and believe in love, to be hopeful i love and live in love. We should give our love to others and never ask something back. The Western culture has been a culture of competitors.People always been measured by how much more they have than others. A larger home, a more cars, clothes , dogs and so on . But these things are not universal values. Accodring to Frankl money and powere are not primary meaning in our life. The primary meaning in our life should be love, not the collection of material things.
    Marina Belokopytyy

  19. Frankl's insight into the meaning of life, is a wake up call from the past, to remind us of the real importantance of love to our existance.. It is not so important, to live life aimlessly, searching for our own pleasure. Aquireing the latest gadgets,or enjoying the next flavor of the month. But in order to fully experiance life, you need to love selflessly. To live life with compassion, without a need for anything in return. In todays me driven society, people are not thinking of anyone but themselves. They inturn develop high levels of stress, and many go on to experiance a feeling of emptiness. Not to mention that stress today is concidered the number one killer of modern man. Frankl reminds us that we need a shift in our preception, that the power to change our situation is in the hands/minds of the individual. Are you going to be part of this worlds shift, or will you continue on a path of disillusionment? The choise is yours.

  20. I agree with Frankl when he states that what we have come to believe love is in our time and day, is wrong. What we call love today is possession "what is mine is mine", and what we do not want to see or believe is that individuals have become fixated with this version of love that they do not realize what they do to their loved ones. Another thing we do not realize is we all love to receive, and for our loved one's to gives us what we "need" .We make it about ourselves me, me, me; but to receive we have to learn to give, and sometimes sacrifice for the other. Meaning in life, is deep, and a lot of us (including myself) feel lost. Even until this day, I know what makes me happy, what I wake up everyday for. But there's always that thought in the back of my head telling me to think about 20 million times.Is it just me. . or does everyone go through that??

    Burdier, E

  21. i agree with frankl, his theory on love is completly true. we look at love as property istead of mental support trust confident and growth. men study physcial attraction on a women instead of getting inside a women's head. women look at the superficial aspects on what a man has to offer instead of trying to understand a man as a person. life and meaning doesnt mean success money and materlist things. frankl wants us to view life in a different light and find the true meaning to love happiness and meaning. if you strip off all the makeup and namebrand clothes ans gadgets, what would you then stand and live for?
    Krystal G.

  22. although I do understand frankl's perception on love, i think there is a key point that is missing in his theory. he believes that to love someone and to fully understand them is synonymous. however, i cannot agree with that. yes, love looks to the core of a person, it penetrates the surface and looks into the soul of the person (and yes i did make this as cliche as humanly possible). However, there must be a reciprocation of love in order to fully love someone. in a realistic term, to love someone unconditionally is very difficult to do. however, if one so happens to achieve such love but the receiver of the love does not reciprocate that love, then what is to become of that love? constant hurt, suffering, pain. that is not love. to label love as ONLY the complete and total understanding of a person is not possible.

    stephen lee

  23. His insight on love and meaning, shows what he believes life is about. He feels that love will conquer all obstacles in our lives. That love creates meaning to our lives, so they tie into each other. Making ones life worth meaning, that their suffering has a cause if they have to face it. That love will give us the strength to push through.
    -Savera Bajwa

  24. i honesty agree with frankl's idea on love and has been lost if frankls idea of love was more over ideal within people then i believe that america could be a better place, meaning,i feel that the idea of love in the 21th century and divroce would drop. his idea of meanin is very deep and true, i believe that if human can find meaning in their lifes alot of te corrupion, untimely death, and most negative aspects of this county would decrease. meaning in life is something that most people will never be able to see. i don even believe that most peole will even thing as deeply as frankl to try to understand life. we as humans like the easy life and would let power and pleausre rather then meaning direct our lives,


  25. Frankl is saying life has no meaning until one experiences true love. not fake or selfish love. And for the meaning of life, hes saying that one can only find the meaning to life by living through the trails and tribulations of life. Then, possibly once one is old and able to look back and reminisce on life, one would then be able to realize their meaning.

    -Patrick Clay

  26. Stunning stoгy there. Whаt happeneԁ aftеr?


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