Monday, January 10, 2011

What is a Human Being?


When reflecting on who we are as a collective species, we tend to assume that we actually have an understanding of what we are. We walk on two... we stand erect... we laugh and think... we weep and pursue.

But what of those individuals who lack these capacities? How are we to include them in our understanding of "us."

Dr. Sacks' work expresses the tension found within "us" when disorders clash with our will to live; and he pays careful attention to how we adapt under such conditions.

These are the questions I would like for each of you to explore: What makes us, us? What are some defining characteristics? And how are we to perceive those who may be lacking these apparent characteristics?

Your response should be nothing more than a paragraph. Please do not forget to sign your name before you post.

This is due Saturday (the 15th).

Good luck!


  1. Christian Dudley

    A scientific approach will say the ability to have a higher level of thought process then animals.On the other hand it' open for interpretation. Me personally I believe it's doing the best of what you can with the abilities that you posses. If you are born with no defects and you live a life where you don't steal kill rape or lie cheat then you are living to the best and are truly human. If you are born without the ability for higher thought then you shouldn't be looked at as not being human. In the end no one has the authority to hand out the title of human. Even if they did as of current day it grants no special treatment so it shouldn't matter at this point of time. In the slave days maybe or during the holocaust when people abused there power but now we live in a more accepting world. If you can't think as well as others you may still be treated good. You may lend your humanity to others who are looked at as having none. This to me makes us human accepting all who are born from a woman as our kind.

  2. Stephen Lee

    What makes us,us? One can look at this question in a variety of perspectives. Taking a scientific approach, humans are defined by the specific genetic code that is found in our DNA. From a psychologist's perspective, it the human's ability to think critically and logically. It is the ability for a human to create thoughts beyond "eat, sleep, poop," to thoughts like "what shall I eat" or "is the sleep number bed really worth the money?" Although these questions aren't the highest order of reasoning and decision making, the ability to make decisions is what makes us human. Although, there are some that can no longer make such decisions. Alzheimer's Disease is a degenerative brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. People with Alzheimer's slowly lose their ability to think and do just about everything. So aacording to that perspective, they may not be considered human. But the scientific view is far too cold to define a human. A sociopath has no emotions or feelings. They act without any sort of moral or ethical code. In the absence of specific characteristics that define a human, it is important to take into consideration all the different points of view and make the decision as an individual.

  3. Leeora Shifteh
    Scientifically, a human is a more evolutionized animal. So what makes us human is how far from animal we actually are. We shouldnt act and behave the way animals do, taking whatever is in their sight. This is why there is a basic ethic and moral code to being human that we are mandated to follow. People that disobey these codes such as killing, technically are less human because they are bringing out the animalistic part of humans that took centuries to overcome. Being human is also unique by our talents and characteristics and differences from animals such as our senses and our ability to walk. It is what we do with those talents and abilities that make us the unique human we are. For people with disabilities such as a blind or deaf man, they are still human because they still have different abilities and they use their abilities in different ways. No one can pinpoint exactly what it means to be human so no one can pinpoint and tell someone they are not human. In my opinion, the only people that should be considered inhumane are those that act like animals and break these moral and ethical codes.

  4. Marlon Demesier--forget looking at humans from a scientific persepctive i believe what makes humans humans is our ability to adapt to any situation and our emotional states. As humans we are able to think before acting and when we are happy sad or mad we are able to express our emotions weather it be through crying anger or happyness. These are the traits that separate us from other species in the world,dogs,cats and any other domestic animals are not able to feel the emotions that we do and are not able to adapt to new surroundngs as we humans can. Although these are the traits of a human being to me there are some people who lack emotion or adaptiveness they are not different but rather have a different and unique perspective on life.people that lack emotion are often serial killers. while we ask them why did they take a life they ask us what is the reason for living. people that are blind are no different either although they cannot see the world the way we do they are able to hear the sounds of the world better then we can and they are able to adapt to their handicap and not only use it to their advantage but change some of the perceptions people have on them for example ray charles. As humans we constantly face change and go through problems daily but how we think about our problems and the way we go about them is what makes us who we are

  5. Biologically speaking a human being is any member of the mammilian species. Psychologically speaking a human being is the ability to reason, speak and feel emotions. The brain is an amazing organ in your body, which helps the human to feel motion like walking runing and reaching for things. Also we have the ability to think of what we like and thats what seperates us from other species. Disable people may not have the ablity to walk talk or even see but they are still human beings because they still have many similar traits as any other human. Some may process things a little slower or faster than the next but everyone is their own person and If you have the ability to feel and think your human

  6. ^^^^^ Jaleesa Wallace

  7. Brian Aguiar

    What makes us, us? What are some defining characteristics? And how are we to perceive those who may be lacking these apparent characteristics?

    -There is no real answer to define what makes a human, human. There are so many different perspectives’ from scientific to psychological that detail the specific traits of what a human is and the abilities they have. Scientifically, humans are created in a unique genetic code of DNA that has evolved over time to become who we are now. Psychologically, humans have the ability to think decisively and reasonably at a higher capacity before we act. Our defining characteristics range from our self-awareness, the ethical society we have created & built on moral codes to live in, nimble thumbs, our speech/representative cognition, conscience and capacity to imagine. To further define ourselves of what makes us human is our ability to adapt to any situation and the emotional circumstances we go through and express under certain life situations. To have an image or idea on how we are to perceive those who may lack these characteristics mentioned above, is truly to call yourself inhuman because every human just like everything in this world is uniquely different and has characteristics to define and separate itself from the rest. Having a distinct disability has positive and negative advantages because of the possibilities to have better qualities than others in the human body that help you realize the different potentials we each have in life and how we use these means to aspire and become something better for ourselves, society, the world and the future.

  8. Humans are capable to do the most sophisticated things out of all other living creatures on the planet. That’s thanks to our highly developed brain, which allows us to think and to reason on a higher level. We have the ability to communicate with the use of a language (or several languages), and a memory powerful enough to remember hundreds of songs. Physically, our free hands and separated toes allowed us to create tools that helped us to survive.
    But this mental and physical description of people is not what makes us humans. What if someone’s ability to reason like most people is damaged? or someone has a physical disability (vision, hearing, talking etc.) Should they be seen or treated differently? Oliver Sacks, describes in his book about a man who had a variety of cognitive problems caused by a large brain tumor. He lost his long term memory, and couldn’t remember anything after the late 1960’s, in addition he was blind and showed absolute apathy towards his current condition or to life itself. Yet, he enjoyed music, it seemed to “bring him back to life.” Perhaps some of the characteristics of being a human are to appreciate things like art, an appreciation known to be existed since the early days of humanity. On a large scale, there is no difference between people, we are more alike than we would like to admit. Color of skin, intelligence, reasoning, mental ability, physical ability, all those are minor differences, in the end we all are part of the human race.

    * Danny Abramov

  9. Miriam Zada
    Humans are a large segment of the population that posses different characteristics than other species. Humans have the ability to think hypothetically as well as to imagine through the most most significant part of their body, the brain. Other species, such as animals, lack the ability to make decisions and differentiate between right and wrong. Furthermore, humans have the ability to express their thoughts and feelings through speech. They are thought to be morally good and live by the code of life. I strongly believe that an individual with a certain disability still can be given the title “human.” Even though these people lack some senses, they are able to use their talents in other ways. Ultimately there is no individual that can give a clear and correct definition of what human really means. It is controversial issue that differs from person to person.

  10. What makes us is the ability to think, and it defines who we are. If your able to live, laugh, love, get angry, nervous, feel any emotion at all then you are human, you are you. People who are seem to be "lacking" this ability, there just vacant, and its a shame that they will never know what its like to feel all the emotions that makes you who you are.

    -Savera Bajwa ^_^

  11. Carol Cheung
    In my opinion, there never will be a solid definition of being a human, as humans are constantly evolving. Humans have the ability to adapt to our surroundings with the help of others, unlike animals they fend for themselves in order to survive. But humans have the technology and knowledge to help they survive. We all are born with different DNA and genes, not one person being the same. We are constantly facing change and we adapt to it, no matter how it gets because we help one another to get through the tough times unlike animals.

  12. Rather than focusing deeply into our biology to answer the question, what makes us, us? Our identity is the answer to our solution because we all have a unique identity from no another. But, also the ability to analyze the good from the bad separate human beings from other species. For instance, society portraits pedophiles, murders,rapist, and other prisoners as less than human because their behavior is abnormal. So we try find the solution to their problems for those who deserve a second opportunity. As a result, we spend millions of dollars to disconnect those who aren't consider normal in our society.

    -Emmanuel Avila

  13. Prisca T.

    What make us human is based on how we look as a person and how we have different personalities. Comparing a human to a chimpanzee there is something unique at the fact that they act the same way humans do,but the only thing they can't do speak and dont look like a human. Each human have different characteristics that makes them unique from everyone else.We come from all different shapes, sizes, complexion, apperance, and intelligence.Certain people that lack these type of characteristics show that they have no emotion what-so-ever. Our personalities make us unique.

  14. Teresa Powell

    I think as humans, having defining experiences shapes our appearance of how we view the world make us who we are. Some defining characteristics such as personality, how we function on a daily basis and how we adapt to life's reocurring changes shapes us as humans with character. Humans who are maybe lacking those qualities are probably not really aware of the world around them. They perhaps need to find some form of a positive outlet to interpret their life's purpose of why they are here.

  15. As human we have an amazing ability to adapt, so much so that there isn't a single characteristic that can define us. It is more correct to say there are multiple overlapping qualities which makes a man, a man. Language, high self conciousness, our ability to choose contrary to our "nature" among others, it is how we compensate for the loss of any of these functions that makes us Human.

    Josef Blake

  16. One would say from a biological point of view that being a human being can consist of so many strict qualities like being warm blooded, having a certain amount of chromosomes, etc. We are even classified into being certain types of human by our race. In my opinion, in order to be considered human, you must be able to feel, and be conscious of your actions and the world around you. I feel like our emotions are a huge quality that makes us human because of how much it controls our being. Like we discusses in class, humans have the largest range in the emotional spectrum. Emotions like happyness and sadness, anger , fustration, all show where our values are as well. Things we hold dear and love are valuable to us as human being. Besides our emotion, I feel that the ability to adapt and apreciate also makes us very human. A person who lacks certain abilities, and can make up for it or move past it, in my opinion is truly having the human experience.

    Karla Casco.

  17. What make us, us is our difference, and unique, personality, that help us to for give and for get when we believe someone hurt us. we also have the ability to strive inlife and to choose what we want to become. Also our gennetic makeup that gave us good guilities that we want to lend on helping hand to help someone who are in needs. moreover, the understanding of others and the way we presence ourselves, for others to view not to judge. we also learn how to accept our lose and gain and can teach others what we know and also can learn from others as well. we can point out to others that their apparent characteristic need to change, but you cannot force it up on them to change. Elaine Taffe

  18. What is a human being you ask? So many schools of thought have attempted to answer this question… The study of Biology breaks “Us” down to our molecular structure; Theologians speak of humans as beings created in God’s form. Who knows? Perhaps like a dance, between spirit and matter, just mere reflections of light. Philosophically speaking, we see that we are able to instinctively ask questions, as soon as we are able to form words. We have emotions, which influence us in our being a Human Being. Having an ethical basis to distinguish right from wrong. All this is open to individual interpretation. I believe in the fact that, we have a brain with a capacity that reaches far beyond other living beings on Earth. We have consciousness, able to contemplate and formulate ideas into existence. We are able to reflect on the past and the future. As well as create an identity, to be what ever we will ourselves to be. We all have the same capabilities. All in a different degrees; whether we have a different amount of chromosomes as persons with Down syndrome. Or any other type of ailment, what of the scientific brilliance of Hawkings, after being stricken with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. After turning 21 years old, he began to progressively lose motor functions of his arms, legs, and voice. Today he is almost 100 percent paralyzed and uses a synthesizer for communication. We truly are a vast race of beings; ones deemed less human are deemed so by the ignorant. They may possess a gift that you do not. We all have our own gifts. Unfortunately, many do not realize....Belinda Vega

  19. How is it really possible to determine, what makes us humans? There are so many different elements that make up a person. To categorize one specific trait that will distinguish a human from any other species is very difficult. For example we cannot say only humans breath because this is not true, we cannot say only humans have blood running through their veins, because this too is not only related to humans. There are people who are born without traits such as seeing, hearing, and sometimes breathing, but to me that does not make them less of a human to me.


  20. Testing testing


  21. Prof. Terry this is my 3rd attempt i really hope this works

    The way we are brought up by our parents, the people we let get close to us,our natural talents,religion all of these are what I believe makes us who we are. The people lacking what we believe is the norm. is just that...its our perception to them there is nothing wrong with them. People who don't allow other peoples perceptions control them are what we call leaders anyway.

    Devon Alexander

  22. A wheel was invented by a human being… Although we both, humans and animals, are lead by the natural instincts to survive in our competitive world, nevertheless, human beings differ from animals by possessing certain types of abilities such as abstract thinking and ethical and moral codes. I strongly believe that all these abilities shape us as humans. If an animal becomes weaker and disabled, it is perceived by other animals as an outsider and definitely dies without help. The other animals will not help just because they do not possess those human characteristics of compassion and kindness. The laws of survival and natural selection are at work here. In case of humans, if a person is stricken with some illness that makes him or her disabled and lacking some characteristics such as seeing, hearing, walking, or even thinking critically as it could seem to someone, how do we perceive that person? Is he or she an outsider and can be considered worse than others, or, on the contrary, better? Who can define it? Who knows if that inventor of the wheel was mentally sick or healthy? Of course, we judge ourselves using standards accepted by a society. But, maybe it is us who are disabled to the extent that the majority of us cannot see the world as autistics do, for instance.

    Aksana Gorenitsyn
    (my 5th attempt to post it):):

  23. what makes us human? i guess the fact that our behavior is learned instead of programmed. the different cultures we have. the abiltiy to function on a conceptual level.Babies are the most helpless creatures when first born or simply the fact that we are our worst enemy..
